English to Tamil

English to Tamil

Tamil is one of India's oldest languages, and it has a renowned place among the country's other literary creations thanks to its great ancient literature.

English to Tamil translation refers to the process of converting text or content written in the English language into the Tamil language.

Tamil is a Dravidian language spoken by millions of people primarily in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and in Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, and other parts of the world.

Tamil typing and translation can be challenging for people whose first language is not Tamil.

You can receive free, excellent translation results from our translation tool. This is so that it can instantly translate sentences between English and Tamil using a potent Google translation API.

This English to Tamil translation is a free online tool that allows you to translate between English and Tamil. This English to Tamil translator is based on the safe, dependable, and current "Translation" API from Google.

Research is being done in this area to improve translator accuracy, but translation is a challenging task due to the inherent difficulty of the differences between the linguistic structures and grammatical structures of the two languages. The translation process takes a very short time, generally less than a few seconds, and translates the text in a single request to our server.


The translation results are generally very accurate, but not 100% accurate. When you translate English text to Tamil, you can also copy the translated text and then use it on social media, in emails, or in documents. Our translation system has been designed with a very large amount of English Tamil translation data.

Here are some commonly spoken phrases in Tamil along with their English translations:

Here are some English phrases translated into Tamil:

  1. Hello - வணக்கம் (Vaṇakkam)
  2. Good morning - காலை வணக்கம் (Kālai vaṇakkam)
  3. Thank you - நன்றி (Naṉṟi)
  4. Please - தயவு செய்து (Tayavu ceytu)
  5. Yes - ஆம் (Ām)
  6. No - இல்லை (Illai)
  7. Excuse me - மன்னிக்கவும் (Maṉṉikkavum)
  8. How are you? - உங்கள் நண்பர் எப்படி இருக்கின்றார்? (Uṅkaḷ naṇpar eppaṭi irukkiṉṟār?)
  9. I love you - நான் உன்னை காதலிக்கிறேன் (Nāṉ uṉṉai kādalikkiṟēṉ)
  10. How much does this cost? - இது எவ்வளவு செலுத்துகின்றது? (Itu evvaḷavu celuttuḥtukinṟatu?)
  11. I don't understand - நான் புரியவில்லை (Nāṉ puriyavillai)
  12. What time is it? - எந்த நேரம்? (Enda nēram?)
  13. Where is the bathroom? - குழந்தை பருவத்தின் அருகில் எங்கே? (Kuzhandhai paruvattin arukil eṅkē?)
  14. Can you help me? - நீ எனக்கு உதவ முடியுமா? (Nī eṉakku utava muṭiyumā?)
  15. I'm sorry - எனக்கு மன்னிக்கவும் (Eṉakku maṉṉikkavum)