Hindi to Gujarati Translation Tool

Hindi to Gujarati Translation

Here are some commonly spoken Hindi phrases and their translations in Gujarati:

  1. Hello - નમસ્તે (Namaste)
  2. How are you? - કેમ છો? (Kem cho?)
  3. Thank you - આભાર (Aabhaar)
  4. Yes - હા (Ha)
  5. No - ના (Na)
  6. Please - કૃપા કરીને (Kripa karine)
  7. Sorry - માફ કરશો (Maaf karsho)
  8. Excuse me - માફ કરશો (Maaf karsho)
  9. I don't understand - હું સમજી નથી (Huṁ samajī nathi)
  10. Where is the restroom? - શૌચાલય ક્યાં છે? (Shauchalay kyaṁ che?)

Here are a few more Hindi sentences along with their translations in Gujarati:

  1. What is your name? - તમારું નામ શું છે? (Tamaru naam shuṁ che?)
  2. Where are you from? - તમે ક્યાંથી છો? (Tame kyaṁthi cho?)
  3. I love you - હું તને પ્રેમ કરું છું (Huṁ tane prem karuṁ chu)
  4. How can I help you? - હું તમારી મદદ કેવી રીતે કરી શકું? (Huṁ tamari madad kevi rite kari shakuṁ?)
  5. Where is the nearest restaurant? - નજીકમાં રેસ્ટોરન્ટ ક્યાં છે? (Najikmaṁ restoraṇṭ kyaṁ che?)
  6. How much does it cost? - તેનો કિંમત કેટલો છે? (Teno kimat ketlo che?)
  7. Can you help me, please? - કૃપા કરીને હુંને મદદ કરી શકો છો? (Kripa karine huṁne madad kari shako cho?)
  8. I'm sorry - માફ કરશો (Maaf karsho)
  9. Have a nice day! - સુંદર દિવસ પાસ કરો! (Sundar divas pas karo!)
  10. Congratulations! - બધાઈ! (Badhaai!)

Hindi to Gujarati Translation

Get Professional Hindi to Gujarati Translation Services for Flawless Results. Just type or paste your Hindi text and click on translate button to get instant Gujarati translation.

Hindi and Gujarati are two prominent languages spoken in India, each with its own rich cultural and linguistic heritage. The need for translation between these languages arises due to the diverse population and the desire to bridge the communication gap.

Translation plays a crucial role in enabling effective communication between Hindi and Gujarati speakers. It allows individuals from both language backgrounds to understand and exchange information, ideas, and emotions. Whether it's for personal, educational, or professional purposes, the ability to translate between Hindi and Gujarati is invaluable.


Hindi, the national language of India, is widely spoken and understood across various regions. It has a long history and is written in the Devanagari script. Gujarati, on the other hand, is the official language of the Indian state of Gujarat and is primarily spoken by the Gujarati community. It has its own unique script called the Gujarati script.

However, it's important to note that machine translation tools may not always capture the nuances and context of the original text accurately. Language is complex, and translations require a deep understanding of cultural references, idiomatic expressions, and linguistic subtleties. Human translators, with their expertise and cultural knowledge, often provide more accurate and nuanced translations.

In conclusion, Hindi to Gujarati translation serves as a bridge, connecting two vibrant linguistic and cultural communities. It enables effective communication, fosters understanding, and celebrates the diversity of India's linguistic landscape.

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