Hindi to Malayalam Typing Tool

Hindi to Malayalam translation

Here are some common Hindi phrases translated to Malayalam:

  1. Hello - ഹലോ (halo)
  2. Goodbye - വിടവാൻ പോകുക (vidavaan pokuk)
  3. Thank you - നന്ദി (nandi)
  4. Sorry - ക്ഷമിക്കണം (kshamikkanaam)
  5. Please - ദയവായി (dayavaayi)
  6. Excuse me - ക്ഷമിക്കണം (kshamikkanaam)
  7. Yes - അതോം (athom)
  8. No - അല്ല (alla)
  9. What is your name? - നിങ്ങളുടെ പേര് എന്താണ്? (ningalude per enthaanu?)
  10. How are you? - നീങ്ങളുടെ സമ്മതി എങ്ങനെയാണ്? (ningalude sammathi engane aanu?)

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Hindi to Malayalam translation is an important aspect of language communication between the Hindi-speaking population and the Malayalam-speaking population. Translation services are essential for people who need to communicate effectively in both languages. With the advent of advanced technology and the internet, there are many online tools available that can instantly translate Hindi to Malayalam text or speech. These tools use powerful algorithms and machine learning techniques to accurately translate words, phrases, and sentences from Hindi to Malayalam.